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Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day Quotes

happy valentines day quotes
Friends are those people, without whom life will never be the same. They don't break up with you for silly reasons, neither do they throw stupid tantrums. They don't expect gifts all the time, nor are they fearful of commitment. They just love you unconditionally. Happy Valentines day my dear friend.
happy valentines day quotes
Friends can never be liability in life
They are an asset to every word
With a friend like you I feel so blessed
Kind but yet so weird
I love you the way you are my friend
It's just pure friendship and no pretend
A very happy Valentine's Day to you!
happy valentines day quotes
Friendship is all about understanding. It is all about forgiving. It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry. Moreover it is about loving unconditionally. Happy Valentines day my friend.
happy valentines day quotes
Friendship is as pure as love
So, on this day of love,
Let me confess that friendship is true
Only for you
Happy Valentine's Day!
happy valentines day quotes
Friendship is based on one true emotion
And that is true love
So, I love you my friend
Happy Valentine's Day!
happy valentines day quotes
Friendship is beyond all emotions,
But the crux of friendship is love
On this day of love,
Let me wish you
Happy Valentine's Day!
happy valentines day quotes
Friendship is the most beautiful word ever invented. One may even lose love at some point of time in life, but a true friend will be by your side forever. Happy Valentines day.
happy valentines day quotes
Friendship rules in any case
It is not a part of any race
Still want to tell you my friend
That I love you a lot
Happy Valentine's Day!
happy valentines day quotes
Girlfriends come and go, but brothers are forever! Happy Valentines day!
happy valentines day quotes
True friends are really hard to find in life,
But I have found my true friends
Love all my friends
Happy Valentine's Day!

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