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Monday, December 28, 2015

Sad Valentine Quotes

sad valentine quotes
Emotion turning back on itself, and not leading on to thought or action, is the element of madness. - John Sterling
sad valentine quotes
I don't hate you. I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be.
sad valentine quotes
I loved a girl from the bottom of my heart, and she left me all of a sudden. I will ask her to give me my heart back, I will crush it into pieces because no one can ever stay there now.
sad valentine quotes
I will now live without you, I will now take the venom of life being without you, and how does it matter if one small heart is broken on earth?
sad valentine quotes
If a man should importune me to give a reason why I loved him, I find it could no otherwise be expressed, than by making answer: because it was he, because it was I. - Michel de Montaigne
sad valentine quotes
It's terrible to lose someone we love, but it's worse to lose ourselves while loving them.
sad valentine quotes
Love is like the truth, sometimes it prevails, sometimes it hurts.
sad valentine quotes
Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus; the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts.
sad valentine quotes
One day you're going to wake up and realize that you should have tried.
sad valentine quotes
Tears Shall Keep Falling From the Eyes in which He Used To Gaze

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