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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Valentine Messages For Him

valentine messages for him
A hug sends more messages than you can imagine. It says you are all I have to hold when I feel down or alone. It also shows how special you are in my life to let you put your arms around me.
valentine messages for him
All I want to do every day is come back home to you, and I know now that there is nothing and no one in the world who can change this and make me feel any differently about you.
valentine messages for him
Every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come. I love you.
valentine messages for him
From random laughs to random kisses, our love has put me in a blissful state of randomness that I never want to come out of.
valentine messages for him
I dreamt about you last night. We were together and your hands were holding mine. I smiled in my sleep thinking this is all I want. Thank you for giving me such joy.
valentine messages for him
I have given all of me to you. If you ever wrong me, sure I'll ever be forgiving. You and I are inseparable as long as I am living.
valentine messages for him
I have managed to get my past, present, and future tenses correct today: I love you, I loved you, and I will love you forever and always!
valentine messages for him
I have never known a love like this and I’m thankful to God that I have you, you are all my dreams come true.
valentine messages for him
I know that love means to be able to have someone in your life and cherish them, I have you and there is nothing more that I could ever want.
valentine messages for him
I look back on how things have been and I know that I have been saving all the love for you. You are my everything.

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