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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Valentine Card Messages

valentine card messages
I always will be yours as long as you and I are still around.
valentine card messages
I am glad I get to spend Valentine's Day with you. You make Valentine's Day fun.
valentine card messages
I am supposed to write you a message in this card to tell you how I feel, but I don't think words could describe the love I have for you.
valentine card messages
I don't care what happens on Valentine's day, I'm in love with you every day.
valentine card messages
I know I don't have to do anything special for you for Valentine's Day, but I want to.
valentine card messages
I like to spend most of my Valentine's Day wondering how I got so lucky to have you.
valentine card messages
I wanted to buy you chocolates, but I thought they might be envious of your sweetness.
valentine card messages
I wanted to buy you flowers, but I thought they might get envious of your beauty.
valentine card messages
I wish my words could describe how sweet you are. I'll have to show you with my lips instead.
valentine card messages
I would make every day Valentine's day if I could always spend it with you.

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