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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Valentine Day Messages For Friends

valentine day messages for friends
A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when you are lonely, a guide when you are searching, a smile when you are sad, a song when you are glad. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
A good best friend is some one who you know and love and helps you when help is needed ..that’s what friends are for. They love you for you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Be careful if you make a woman cry, because somewhere there is a best friend carving your name on a .45 round, just for you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Because I am your friend, I know how you feel. When you smile, I smile. When you cry, I cry together. When you drink, I drink more than you do. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Behind every heart, there is a best friend guarding it in case it breaks. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Best Friends are like fairy tales, they were there for once upon a time and they will be there for happily ever after.
valentine day messages for friends
Best friends are like rare diamonds. If you ever find one you should cherish it because you’ll only find one in a lifetime. Two is extremely rare. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Cant wait for school, I get to see a crazy, funny, mental, sweet and friends who are a part of my life. Wishing all my friends a great Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Don’t allow one person to tear you down, don’t allow one person to ruin your day, don’t allow one person to hurt you, allow that one person to make you stronger. Happy Valentine’s Day.
valentine day messages for friends
Don’t expect me to be interested in your life when you don’t care about what is going on in mine…But I wish you luck in life. Move on..Happy Valentine’s Day.

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